Tuesday 24 September 2013

Preparing for Pamper Parties at Home

Hosting pamper parties at home has become increasingly popular in recent years. From a young age, many little girls develop a fascination with makeup. Being able to get dolled up and delve into the glitzy world of cosmetics is exciting. The older a girl is, the more likely it is that she will benefit from learning some useful makeup techniques. Before you unleash other little girls into your home, it is a good idea to be prepared.

Clearing Some Space and Designating a Room

When the Childrens entertainers hertfordshire arrive to help you out with the pamper party, you need to make sure they have enough room to beautify the guests. At most parties, two girls are pampered at the same time. You need to provide sufficient space for them, as well as for the beauticians and their supplies. Your living room may seem like the most obvious choice, but before you designate this space, prepare it properly. Pamper parties at home are generally mess-free. However, you may want to throw a couple of sheets on your sofa—especially if younger girls are going to have their nails done. Little hands do like to move to the strangest of places. 
Preparing Food

Between pampering sessions, the guests will want something to eat. You can make your buffet as modest or as grandiose as you like. However, many parents find that finger food works well. Classics like cold pizza, sausages, and cupcakes always work well. For something spectacularly girly, create fruit-themed kebabs, marshmallow twizzles, and jugs of alcohol-free punch. Clearly designate somewhere for the guests to sit down and eat. If you want to keep things casual, you can create a floor area with blankets and pillows. Hang up a bag that is clearly for throwing away waste. Finally, consider putting out a packet of wet wipes. No matter how old your daughter and her guests are, this can come in handy. 
Taking Great Pictures

A pamper party should always result in some fantastic pictures that the guests can take away with them. As well as charging up your camera, you need to find somewhere to host the photos so the guests and their parents can enjoy them. Facebook may seem like the obvious choice. However, you may want to consider that not all parents are happy with their children's images being on social networking sites. As such, you may want to keep the album private. Alternatively, you can create a Flickr album that parents can only access with a password. Give a link to the guests as they leave, and they can access the album with their parents and pick out the images they want to print off.

Hosting pamper parties is usually a hassle-free experience. Like any occasion, a little forward planning and imagination goes a long way.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Pampering Parties London - What You Need to Know:

In London, one of the hottest trends is a pampering party. Pampering parties in London can be held for young girls or adult women with a common theme of pampering thyself. In order to ensure that your pampering party is a success, listed below are our suggestions for hosting a pampering party.
First, to ensure that your pampering party is a success lets first understanding the meaning of a pampering party. A pampering party is held for the purpose of pampering oneself with luxuries such as; massages, facial, manicures, pedicures, hair care, skin treatments and for those more daring, and of age, Botox. When guests leave a pampering party you will want to ensure that they feel relaxed and good about themselves. This will inform you that your party was a success. 
Choosing a location

When choosing a location for your pampering parties you will want to ensure that there is plenty of room for your guests including space for the pampering to take place. You can opt for one huge room with many set-ups or you could opt for the use of multiple rooms allowing you to provide privacy and separate areas. This decision should be made based upon how well your guests know one another, how much privacy is needed and the requirements of those performing the pampering. 
Enhancing your party w/ food, drinks and decor

The best way to enhance any party is with food and decor. You will want to choose decor that is calming, relaxing and perhaps reminiscent of a spa or beach. Consider items such as waterfalls and soothing music. This will help to set the tone of your party allowing guests to set their minds at ease. 
The second best way to enhance your party is through food and drinks. For those hosting a party for young ladies, it is suggested to offer the following drinks; fruit punch, sparkling cider or virgin “mock tails.” For an adult party consider the following drink options; mimosas, champagne adorned with fruit or your favorite beach-side cocktail such as; mojitos, pina coladas, margaritas or strawberry daiquiris. You will also want to offer your guests a nonalcoholic option for those whom do no drink alcohol. Food offerings should be light and include the following; finger sandwiches, cold salads, fresh fruit, pastries and other light snacks. 
Let the fun begin 
Now, it’s time to start the party. When your guests arrive, greet them with the drink of your choosing and the opportunity to get to know one another. After all of your guests have arrived, it’s now time to let the fun begin. Your guests should be allowed to choose the pamperings of their liking and should never be forced to do something they are not comfortable with. After all, this is kids pamper parties and what is most important is having fun!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

What Happens at Pampering Parties?

Pamper parties act as the perfect opportunity for kids aged four and above to indulge in a little luxury on their birthday. Using the careful skills of a well-trained host, your little girls can transform themselves by creating the image of their dreams. Each party is designed to meet the needs of different age groups, which means you as a parent do not have to worry about whether the party will be fun.

Who is a Pampering Party Suitable For?

Pampering parties are suitable for most kids with an interest in makeup. Whether your little girl enjoys diving into your nail polish, or your teenage daughter likes to mimic the images she sees on the catwalks, a pamper party is likely to keep her happy. These parties are better suited to smaller groups. This allows all of the kids present to get the pampering they need, without having to compete for the attention of the beauticians. Once you are aware of the numbers, begin discussing what it is that you want from your party with the providers. If your children are older, they may have a particular image in mind. Unless you want to keep the party a surprise, discussing that image with them is a good approach. 

What Services Are Available at a Pampering Party?

Pampering parties go beyond simply applying a bit of make-up. Depending on the age of the guests, these parties also include foot spas, skin care, hair care, and nails. These parties also focus on providing entertainment in the form of age-appropriate games, karaoke, and other party-themed attractions. As a parent, you can also introduce fun themes and extras to ensure the party is personalized. Most pamper parties involve seeing the girls two at a time. It is for this reason that entertainment is offered by the providers, but it is also a good idea to throw in your own ideas to make sure everybody is entertained. 

What Can You do as a Parent to Make the Party Special?

If you have booked a pampering session for your daughter's party, you can make the day extra-special by setting the theme, organising the right food, and providing additional forms of entertainment. When planning this, think about the age of your guests, and what is likely to capture their interests. If you are holding your party in the summer, younger girls may enjoy playing with large garden games outdoors. In contrast, older girls may enjoy an 'Afternoon Tea' theme, which runs with the current vintage trends that are so popular among daughter's party at the moment. By adding these finishing touches, you and the team providing your teenagers pamper parties can make the day even more enchanting. 

Once you have the finer details of your party organized, make sure you have your camera ready for the big day. One of the best parts of the party is the memories you create, which is why keepsakes are essential.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

The Do's and Don'ts of Parties for Kids

No matter what age your children are, the desire to provide them with a memorable birthday party never dies down. Parties for kids can easily become a source of stress; if you let them. On the other hand, making yourself aware of some basic do's and don'ts can turn them into occasions that are fun to plan, and easy to enjoy.

Do: Set a Budget

Before you begin planning your party, it is wise to know how much money you can spend on it in advance. Your budget should be dictated by how much you are spending on presents, plus how much you are willing to spend on the finer aspects. Set your rough number first, and then use it to determine how much you are willing to spend on each element. When you have your budget, shop around for the separate elements. Switching food brands, using price comparison engines, and searching sites like eBay can help you save on each item you need to buy. Remember, every small saving can add up to a significant final amount. 

Do: Book Your Entertainment in Advance

As a parent, you will be forgiven for thinking that the Childrens party entertainers you need is going to be available on the date you desire. However, there are certain times of year when entertainers are booked up rapidly. In advance of the party, identify the best day for holding it. Once you have done that, contact your chosen entertainer to determine whether they are available for a booking. Once you have paid your deposit, you can begin planning the smaller aspects of your kids parties.

Don't: Feel the Need to Keep Up With the Joneses

A 2012 survey by Net-mums found that some parents were spending as much as £800 on parties for kids. According to the surveys respondents, this was driven by the desire to keep up with the Joneses. While you may have attended what seemed like the perfect event, that does not mean you have to play to an audience and organise one that is extra elaborate. Remember, it is the kids you are trying to impress, not the parents. For the majority of children, being with their mates and having some distractions is enough.

Don’t: Forget to Set Time Limits

When you write out your invitations, don't forget to let parents know what time the party ends. Not only does this prevent you from having children on your hands for an indefinite amount of time, it is useful for the parents of guests. When deciding whether you RSVP with a "yes", parents want to know how to plan the rest of their day around the party. That is something that they can do when they know what time you want to round things up.

Observing these simple do's and don'ts is a great way to eliminate stress and plan your party with very little to worry about.

Monday 2 September 2013

The Benefits of Hosting Pamper Parties at Home

When asked what they dread the most about their kid's birthday parties, most parents immediately respond with "The clean-up afterwards". As a result of this, many parents choose to avoid having their kids parties at home. When it comes to pamper parties, mess is usually the last thing you have to worry about. In fact, there are many benefits to having pamper parties at home.
    1. It Costs Less Than Hiring Out Space
The average cost of hiring out a hall or venue varies from place-to-place. However, in most places, it is at least £100. Depending on the age of the children attending the party, you may also need to pay a damages deposit. The costs associated with renting out a party space could easily be spent on other elements. For example, food, presents, and party bags. When you host a pamper party in your own home, you save a significant amount of money.
    2. You Get to Control the Atmosphere
It is hard to set the right atmosphere when you are trying to host a pamper party in a large open space. Front rooms, kitchens, and conservatories are more intimate. As a result, you only require a few simple decorations to create the perfect theme and atmosphere. If you are on a tight budget, a bit of carefully draped fabric can help set your colour scheme. Scatter cushions, fairy lights, and decorations can also be used to turn the room you are hosting your pamper party in into a comfortable space for your kids to enjoy themselves in.
    3. Pamper Parties Are Smaller Than Most Parties
Most party themes do not have restricted numbers. Pamper parties, on the other hand, are only usually suitable for small groups of children. As a result, you do not have to feel compelled to invite large numbers of kids. Having a smaller group of children attending the party comes with several benefits. If you do not have a great deal of space, you do not have to worry about things getting cramped. One of the biggest benefits associated with smaller parties is the cost, which soon plummets once you have less small mouths to feed.
    4. Pamper Parties Are Versatile
If you have several children who are around the same age, you do not have to worry about one getting bored while the other is being entertained. While pamper party themes are usually tailored according to the overall age of the children there, kids of most ages can enjoy makeup. As any parent will know, being able to keep all of your kids entertained while a birthday party is underway is a great stress-reducing tactic. Pamper parties at home are not just versatile in terms of age. They can also be complemented with a variety of themes, which is useful if you are aware of what your kids like.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Organizing a Kids' Party Provider for Your Kid's Birthday Party

While creating the perfect kids party may seem like an organizational nightmare, a little bit of forward planning can ensure everything unfolds as you want it to. As well as organizing your kids' party provider, you need to focus on food, themes, and the guest list. Taking a step-by-step approach is one of the easiest ways to do this. By taking the following approach, you should be able to execute your kid's birthday party with ease.
  1. Choose a Theme
The theme for your party is going to act as a blueprint for the rest of your plans. To determine your party, think about what it is that your child likes. They may be fixated by a particular Disney character, obsessed with a certain type of colour, or enticed by the idea of being a princess for the day. Once you have the right theme in mind, you can begin thinking about the larger elements.
  1. Select a Kids' Party Provider
Many parents fall into the trap of leaving their kids party provider until the last minute. Unfortunately, there are peak times of year when party providers are likely to be fully booked. As such, you need to make sure you select yours in advance of the party. When you are ready, contact your provider and let them know what your plans are. Not only does this allow you to get the right one booked, it also ensures you and your provider have enough time to discuss the finer aspects of the day together.
  1. Send Out the Invites
Once you have your party provider booked, you can send out the invites knowing that the major details have been arranged. When sending out your invites, bear in mind which theme you have set, and decide whether the guests need to wear or bring anything special. For example, if your party has a pajama theme, make sure your guests know to wear their favorite pajamas. Make sure you set an RSVP date that is at least 5-7 days in advance of the party itself. This gives you plenty of time to plan the final additions once parents have responded.
  1. Organize the Food and Additional Entertainment
Once you know how many guests are coming to your party, it is time to begin arranging the food. At this stage, it is important to strike the balance between buying too much and too little. If you are worried about overbuying, purchase food that is not too perishable. By doing this, you can eat for a couple of days afterwards if there is a surplus. Additional entertainment includes things like music, games, and activities.
Although it is better to plan your party a few weeks in advance, do not panic too much if you have left it a little late. Most organizational hazards can be overcome by taking a deep breath, making a list, and approaching each task one-by-one. One aspect that you should always aim to organize well in advance is the kids parties provider.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Organizing the Perfect Kids' Parties in Hertfordshire

With your kids' birthday looming and the desire to make the day perfect overwhelming you, you may be wondering how you are going to organize a great celebration. Fortunately, there is a wealth of options available when it comes to organizing kids' parties in Hertfordshire. All you need is a little inspiration and some organisational skills.

What Do Kids Want From a Birthday Party?

For most children, simply feeling special is enough to make a birthday party successful. In order to make sure your kids have the best day possible, listen to their needs and see what hints they are throwing out. You can set your theme according to the TV programs your kids watch. For teenagers, this may mean Glee. For younger children, it could mean Disney or a fairy tale theme. Once you have identified what your children want, you can begin planning further.

How Many Kids Should You Invite?

The younger children are, the higher the likelihood that they will want to invite their entire class. However, you do not have to feel compelled to do that. More importantly, it is highly unlikely that dishing out liberal amounts of invitations will result in dozens of kids piling up in your front room. As such, you may want to appease younger children by letting them invite their entire class. For older children, it is likely that they will only want to invite a select few. As a result, you do not have to worry about dozens of people turning up.

How Long Should a Party Last?

How long your Kids pamper parties lasts should depend on their age. Children under the age of 10 are usually happy with a party of around four to six hours. The younger a child is, the less likely it is their parents will want to leave them for too long. As far as older children are concerned, you may want to divide the party into two separate events. Let your kids invite a group for the afternoon, and then ask them to choose one or two to stay on for a bit longer so the day does not feel too short.

What Entertainment Should You Provide?

Kids' parties in Hertfordshire become extra special when you have gone to the trouble of arranging a little entertainment. Pamper parties work well in this instance, because they do not require consistent attention from all the kids at once. Instead, the kids are seen to in pairs, allowing the others to entertain themselves with games and dancing. It is worth bearing in mind that children are easily amused when they are in large groups, which means you only have to provide them with a few distractions to keep them entertained. Some suggestions that work well with children of all ages are Wii games, karaoke, large garden games, and bouncy castles.

When organizing the perfect kids party, don't be afraid to ask for help. Organizational disasters become perfectly executed plans when there is more than just one person involved.